Discover Vivaldi's Publications | Vivaldi Blog Creating transformational growth for businesses and brands. Wed, 10 Jan 2024 19:40:06 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Is your game plan a game changer? Mon, 02 Mar 2020 21:07:14 +0000 The game has changed. If recent events have taught us anything, it’s that playing by the old rules will leave you sitting on the sidelines.
In a world where everyone wants more, business as usual tactics have lost their…

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The post Is your game plan a game changer? appeared first on Vivaldi.

How to turn today’s B2B marketing challenges into growth opportunities Wed, 15 Jan 2020 16:51:13 +0000 There’s a paradigm shift shaping today’s B2B Marketing landscape. We’re moving from ‘Business to Business’ to ‘Human to Human’. Technological innovation might have been the catalyst, but in response people are seeking…

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The post How to turn today’s B2B marketing challenges into growth opportunities appeared first on Vivaldi.

How Competitors can Leapfrog Amazon in Food Wed, 17 Jul 2019 18:35:51 +0000 In an original piece for Grocery Dive, Vivaldi Partner Pete Killian shares his perspective on Amazon’s strategic challenges and examines the ways in which competitors can not only catch up to Amazon, but win…

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The post How Competitors can Leapfrog Amazon in Food appeared first on Vivaldi.

Brand-Consumer Link to Unlocking Social Currency Mon, 01 Jul 2019 13:30:41 +0000 Vivaldi conducted a study to further understand social currency and the role that it plays within relationships between brands and consumers. The main areas that the study set out to explore were: why consumers follow…

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The post Brand-Consumer Link to Unlocking Social Currency appeared first on Vivaldi.

Gen-Z Insights: Why It’s Time For A New Brand Strategy Tue, 25 Jun 2019 19:20:14 +0000 In 2019, Millennials became the largest living adult generation. Many businesses pivoted to cater to this new generation taking over the workforce, buying homes, building families. The true influence in our changing…

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The post Gen-Z Insights: Why It’s Time For A New Brand Strategy appeared first on Vivaldi.

The Platformization Potential Study Tue, 12 Mar 2019 22:57:20 +0000 “The factors of platform potential are the most important determinants of business health and future growth, and yet it has never been measured until now.” – Erich Joachimsthaler, Founder & CEO of Vivaldi…

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The post The Platformization Potential Study appeared first on Vivaldi.

Retail Reinvention Means Long Live Brick-and-Mortar Retail Wed, 06 Mar 2019 21:03:27 +0000 Digital competitors have transformed the traditional retail business and exerted extreme pressure on brick-and-mortar retailers who seem to have lost the connection to their customers. For the latter, it is more…

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The post Retail Reinvention Means Long Live Brick-and-Mortar Retail appeared first on Vivaldi.

How to Become a Platform Business Tue, 05 Mar 2019 15:37:50 +0000 Once in a generation or so, a massive change in business occurs: a fundamentally new way to create meaningful new value for customers. The change can be so profound that it alters the nature of competition, disrupts the…

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The post How to Become a Platform Business appeared first on Vivaldi.

Mastering brand architecture in a hyper-competitive digital era Wed, 24 Oct 2018 16:51:51 +0000 Vivaldi advisory board member Kevin Lane Keller contributed to this month’s WARC Admap report series focusing on brand architecture in today’s marketing environment. Below find an abstract of the piece:
The digital…

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The post Mastering brand architecture in a hyper-competitive digital era appeared first on Vivaldi.

Brand Architecture: New Solutions to Old Problems Mon, 22 Oct 2018 19:29:37 +0000 Vivaldi’s CEO Erich Joachimsthaler and CMO Agathe Blanchon-Ehrsam contributed to this month’s WARC Admap report series focusing on brand architecture in today’s age. Below find an abstract of the piece:

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The post Brand Architecture: New Solutions to Old Problems appeared first on Vivaldi.
